What is sustainable student housing?
Sustainable student housing is a property rented out to students that’s highly efficient in regards to:
- Energy usage
- Waste and recycling
- Materials used
Having a plan in place to improve sustainability is important not just in terms of helping the planet, but in attracting younger age groups to rent out your property.
According to a survey carried out across 27 countries in 2020, 59% of Gen Z have the desire to change their lifestyle “a great deal” to be more environmentally friendly. A further 32% said they would “moderately” change their lifestyle to help the environment.
Young people are leading the fight against climate change. They want to be associated with people, products and companies that are doing good in this world.
Since this is your target demographic, anything you can do to improve sustainability in your property will put you in the students’ good books.
How to create sustainable student housing
While it can sound like a daunting process at first, creating sustainable student housing isn’t too challenging. All it requires is a few changes to your property and a can-do attitude. Here are our top tips:
Build Awareness
For many students, uni will be their first time away from home. Chances are it will also be the first time they’ve had to fully look after themselves and a property, too, so a helping hand on how to be more sustainable wouldn’t go amiss.
You don’t have to go overboard when building awareness. A sticker above light switches reminding students to turn the lights off, a cheat-sheet on how to use the washing machine (particularly at lower temperatures), installing smart meters and a mark on the kitchen calendar for when the recycling bins are collected will encourage best sustainable practices.
Install Solar Panels
When solar panels were still a new concept, they were expensive and they’ve struggled to shake off that stigma. In actual fact, the cost of solar panels has dropped by more than 50% in the last ten years. Between 2019 and 2020 alone, the price of solar panel installation dropped by £288 on average.
With significantly lower costs, solar energy is a great way to make your student let more sustainable. As it’s a renewable energy source, solar can be used indefinitely without producing any greenhouse gases. The Energy Saving Trust estimates that solar panels can reduce a property’s carbon emissions by 1.3 to 1.6 tonnes per year on average.
Choose Your Furniture Partner Wisely
Creating sustainable student housing also means thinking carefully about the furniture installed in your property.
Your first port of call should be to use a reputable furniture supplier, a company that has a lot of experience sourcing pieces specifically for student properties. By using a specialist, it limits the chances of furniture being damaged and thrown out. With 18 years working across private student properties and PBSAs, we know exactly what furniture is needed to keep you and the students happy.
For our complete co-living & PBSA portfolio
Download our Student Living Case Study brochure
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